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Simplify Your Life

AIR by Lexvor is a Personal A.I. agent that completes tasks in seconds—no location tracking, no permission access, third party applications or downloads.

The A.I. You Can Trust

A.I.R. By Lexvor

A.I.R. works on a Need-To-Know system, accessing only the information you provide—nothing more! It's 100% unique to you, ensuring your control and privacy. Each User has their own Private Database unique to you and your interest.

Just Text A.I.R.

A.I.R. By Lexvor

Everyone Needs AIR

Try A.I.R. For


Get Access to Air by Lexvor for Free. AIR by Lexvor delivers

seamless connectivity, letting you take your personal A.I. assistant anywhere you go.

How To Train Your A.I.

We put the power of training your A.I. easy! No more confusing steps or complex integrations.

No Peeking, No Leaking!


A.I.R. uses the information you provide to build a personalized profile, allowing it to create a task-focused environment tailored to your needs. This ensures efficient task completion while respecting your privacy and keeping your data secure.

A.I.R. At Work!

A.I.R. By Lexvor

Knowledge Database

Teach your A.I. what you're allergic to, favorite color, shoe size and more for a more efficient experience.

Global Access

Use AIR any and Everywhere with the Touch of a Button. It's Literally that easy!

Save with A.I.R.

Using your provided profile  input, your in person or online shopping experience becomes tailored to you by design when using A.I.R.

Send Up To 3000 Request A Month

Ask A.I.R. to handle as many task as you need up to add 1400 request per month.


Artificial Intelligence Response

Plan Details

Two amazing plans, one powerful A.I.—Artificial Intelligence Response (A.I.R.)!

A.I.R. Text

Talk,Text to your friends, family and colleagues with no limits.

24/7 Access

Your A.I. is available to your 24/7. Communicate when you need to any time a day.

A.I.R. App Ecosystem

Access personalized AI-powered apps and tools for productivity, security, and more.

Custom A.I.

Every A.I.R. user experience will be creative, unique and tailored to them.

Learn How A.I.R. Works 

A.I.R. By Lexvor

Prepare to be amazed by how advanced A.I.R. will become!

A.I.R. By Lexvor Can Be used at home or on the go. We will be releasing A.I.R. by Lexvor 2.0 Mid 2025! Access AIR by Lexvor without any 3rd party applications! Learn how to become an independent application Developer!

We Need More Applications!

Build With Us

We need Fresh AIR Applications.

Learn the benefits of becoming

an AIR Developer

Where Can AIR Be Used

Any and Everywhere!

A.I.R. is in the AIR! You can use

your current phone number and

send a text to AIR Worldwide.

What Can A.I.R. Do For Me?

New Apps Everyday!

Help you find discounts for clothes, shoes or food. It can even find items for your by simply taking a photo and tell you if it contains items you want to avoid.

Do I Need WiFi Acces?


AIR leverages 5G networks to

deliver all the programming

and information needed to

manage your tasks seamlessly.

Are You Ready For Some AIR

A.I.R. By Lexvor

Let's Get You A Little AIR

Powered By LEXVOR

A.I.R. is Multilingual 

A.I.R. supports 80+ languages! Text or speak, and it replies in your language—effortless communication!

What A.I.R. Can Do

A.I.R. can make those long and tough decisions easier and less time-consuming. Whether you're looking to get a great deal on a car, a home, or a concert tickets, use A.I.R.!

Saves You Money

A.I.R. finds products and services quickly—saving you time and money.

Find Answers

Quick answers to your problems are just a text away with A.I.R.

Find Assistance

If A.I.R. can’t answer your question, it will connect you to certified professionals ready to help.

Evolve With You

The more you interact with A.I.R., the smarter it gets—evolving to meet your needs instantly with just a click.

Upgraded Plans

Upgrade your plan and unlock more with A.I.R. Choose from 4 powerful AI plans for an enhanced experience.

Free ($0)

 50 Requests Per Month


 Knowledge Database


Global Access

Basic ($10)

300 Request Per Month
 Knowledge Database


Global Access


Personal A.I. Phone Number

Premium ($30)

700 Request Per Month
Knowledge Database


Global Access


Personal A.I. Phone Number


Unlimited Talk, Text, Data ( Nationwide )

Elite ($100)

 3K Request Per Month

Larger Knowledge Base


Global Access


Personal A.I. Phone Number


Unlimited Talk, Text, Data ( Nationwide )


Priority Request Access


Advanced A.I. Model


Early Access To New A.I. Application Releases

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